Howard F. Krosch​

Howard F. Krosch of Stillwater, Minnesota passed away on March 4th, 2013 at the age of 77. He was retired from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources where he managed the aquatic plant management program for many years. Howard’s efforts to learn about aquatic plant management approaches and developments outside Minnesota helped the state take a more informed approach to this work. He co-authored Control of Eurasian watermilfoil in Minnesota with Chip Welling in 1994 for the 9th International Symposium on Aquatic Weeds in Dublin, Ireland. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Management from the University of Minnesota and served in the Minnesota National Guard for nine years. Howard was a very dedicated and active member of the Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society (MAPMS) almost from its beginning. He served as the President in 1989 and was awarded Honorary Membership upon his retirement in 1999. Howard always provided a valuable and honest perspective on aquatic plant management from a regulator’s perspective. In addition, he and his wife, Penny, frequently attended the national APMS meetings throughout his dedicated career.