The annual VIC RAMEY PHOTO CONTEST will be held at the FAPMS Annual Training Conference.
The contest was created to inspire photographs to promote education, discussion and pride in your work towards the Society’s objective to provide a forum for those working in aquatic plant management. There are two categories: Aquatic Scene (any natural aquatic scene); and Aquatic Operations (operation equipment, application method, or field applicator).
Requirements for entry:
- Photos must be taken by a current FAPMS member during the contest year.
- Photos must be submitted as a 5” x 7” or 8” x 10” print, with or without a mat or frame.
- Back of photo must contain photographer’s name, contact number, photo category, location of photo, and description or title.
- Prizes will be awarded: $150.00 for first place, $100.00 for second place, and $50.00 for third place in each category.
Photos are judged on category relevance (40%), creativity or artistic impression (40%), composition and arrangement (10%), and focus and sharpness (10%). Judges are selected from the current board of directors. Photo entries may be submitted at the registration desk or placed on the designated table but be sure they are labeled first. The board reserves the right to reject any photo that does not meet the specified criteria.
NOTE: Winning photos may be used in Aquatics magazine at the editor’s discretion if they are also available as .jpg files have an insufficient resolution. For a potential cover photo, hold your camera/phone to get a “portrait aspect” photo as opposed to “landscape.” Set your camera to 1MB+ (MegaByte) or 5MP+ (MegaPixels) for best results. When sending the photo to a device to save and print, make sure you select the “ACTUAL SIZE” or “ORIGINAL SIZE” on your phone when asked. If none of this makes sense to you, ask someone younger than yourself for help! J Winning photos may also be posted on the FAPMS website if an electronic version is submitted.

Prizes Include: